2. Giving people a say when we make decisions

An icon of a megaphone with the number 2 above it.

People with disability want to be part of decisions that affect them.

A woman talking to a young person in a wheelchair. There are 3 bubbles next to them with the numbers one, 2 and 3 in them.

We need to support young people with disability to take part in decision-making.

2 young boys with disabilities hugging each other smiling.

81% of government organisations have goals to support young people with disability.

Clipboard with some ticked and unticked boxes and a calendar icon.

Over the past 12 months, government organisations reached 34% of their goals for this theme.

But government organisations:

2 women looking at a folder together.

  • are still working on 38% of their goals

A woman thinking about some goals.

  • will start working on 28% of their goals next year.

A woman supporting a man while explaining a document to him.

The Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) supports people who need help:

  • making decisions
  • understanding their human rights.

A document with a thought bubble and checkbox in it. There is an information icon next to the document.

OPA shared information about how to support people to take part in decision-making.

This includes with people who help others make decisions.

A computer with the accessibility icon on the screen.

Vision Australia helped make the BoardingCall website accessible for people with disability.

A woman showing a woman in a wheelchair information on a tablet.

BoardingCall is a record of boards and committees that are looking for new members.

A group of people sitting and standing together in an office.

A board is a group of people who make decisions for:

  • an organisation
  • a company.

A group of people sitting at a table having a meeting.

A committee is a group of people who meet to talk about ideas.

The Royal Commission icon.

A team is working with the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the Royal Commission).

A woman looking and pointing to the Royal Commission icon.

We will keep working well with and supporting the Royal Commission.