Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

Accessibility icon.


When the community is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use services
  • move around.

A person with 4 icons around them. The first is a person pointing to themselves, the second is a speech bubble, the third is a head icon with the brain highlighted and the fourth is a group of people.


Autism affects how you:

  • think
  • feel
  • communicate
  • connect and deal with others.

A group of people sitting and standing together in an office.


A board is a group of people who make decisions for:

  • an organisation
  • a company.

A group of people sitting at a table having a meeting.


A committee is a group of people who meet to talk about ideas.

A worker visiting the home of an elderly person.

Community Visitors

Community Visitors visit people with disability where they live to make sure they are safe.

A person with their fist in the air and a rights document with justice scales on it.

Human rights

Human rights are:

  • rules about how people should treat you
  • the freedoms you have that the law protects.

A group of people talking to each other.


When the community is inclusive, everyone feels:

  • included
  • like they belong.

A rules document next to a thumbs up and a house icon.

Livable Housing Australia (LHA) standards

The Livable Housing Australia (LHA) standards are rules about how to make sure homes are good places to live.

A clipboard with outcomes on it.


Outcomes are important results the Australian Government wants to achieve.

A recommendations document with a lightbulb on it.


Recommendations are ideas for how to make something better.

A glowing lightbulb with an exclamation mark.


Themes are important ideas that come up in different areas of our work and lives.

4 people standing together and looking at information on a tablet.

Universal Design

Universal Design means we think about what everybody needs when we plan or start new projects and services.

A group of volunteers, with a dollar sign and a cross.


When you volunteer, you:

  • work but you don’t get paid
  • do work that helps other people.