What is this report about?

A woman in a wheelchair giving 2 thumbs up next to an icon of South Australia.

Each year, we must write a report to talk about how we are making South Australia more:

  • inclusive
  • accessible.

This report talks about what we did last year to:

A girl holding a clipboard with Goals on it.

  • reach our goals

A thumbs up next to the icon of South Australia. There is a calendar with an arrow pointing to the right below these icons.

  • make our state better in the future.

Laws we follow

An Act document and a gavel.

In South Australia we have a law called the Disability Inclusion Act 2018.

We call it the Act.

A person with their fist in the air and a rights document with justice scales on it.

The Act talks about the human rights of people with disability.

Human rights are:

A rules document and 2 people shaking hands.

  • rules about how people should treat you

A law document and a safety icon.

  • the freedoms you have that the law protects.

An Act icon next to a woman holding and pointing to a clipboard with a Rules document on it.

The Act sets the rules everyone must follow.

A man and a woman shaking hands.

The Act explains how we should treat people with disability:

  • fairly
  • with respect.

State government icon next to a plan document.

The Act says all government organisations must have their own plan.

And that we support all government organisations to make their plans.

2 hands holding up a strategy document.

Inclusive SA supports Australia’s Disability Strategy.

This is the Australian Government’s plan about how to support people with disability in all areas of their life.

A UN Convention document that has an icon of 2 people shaking hands and world map.

Inclusive SA also supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

We call it the UN Convention.

2 people shaking hands and a world map.

The UN Convention is an agreement between countries.

It explains how people with disability should:

A diverse group of people with their hands raised next to an icon of justice scales.

  • be treated fairly

A person with their fist in the air and a rights document with justice scales on it.

  • have the same human rights as everybody else.

How many organisations made plans?

A man holding and writing on a clipboard next to an icon of a report and a calendar that reads '31 October'.

The Act says all government organisations must write a report about their plans each year by 31 October.

A goals document with a state government icon on it and the number 93 next to it.

This year, 93 government organisations wrote reports about how they reached their goals.

A goals document with unchecked boxes and the number 39 next to it.

We made 39 goals for Inclusive SA to reach.

Woman pointing at a goals document with the number 12.

There are 12 goals government organisations:

  • reached
  • are still working on until their plan ends.

2 women working together. Next to them is a goals document with half the checkboxes ticked and the number 27 next to it.

There are 27 goals government organisations are working on.

A group of people sitting around a table having a discussion.

Over the past 12 months people from different groups shared their experiences with us.

These groups included:

3 women with disabilities pointing at themselves with their other hand raised.

  • women with disability

2 young boys with disabilities hugging each other and smiling.

  • young people with disability.

These groups also included:

A map of Australia with an Aboriginal dot pattern and hand prints. There are dots for the Torres Strait Islands.

  • First Nations peoples

A group of diverse people.

  • people from different backgrounds and religions.

A woman holding a clipboard with some ticked and unticked boxes on it.

We have goals we want to reach for each of these groups.