1. Making our community inclusive

Icon of a group of people with disability with an arrow curving around them and the number one next to it.

We want our community to be more inclusive for people with disability.

A man and a woman shaking hands. There is a shield icon with a thumbs up.

People with disability have the right to:

  • have everyone treat them with respect
  • feel safe.

Goals and calendar icon.

Over the past 12 months, government organisations reached 53% of their goals for this theme.

But government organisations:

2 women looking at a folder together.

  • are still working on 33% of their goals

A woman thinking about some goals.

  • will start working on 14% of their goals next year.

A smartphone with the accessibility icon and inclusive icon next to it.

We shared an app called Pavely.

Pavely tells people which places and services are:

  • inclusive
  • accessible.

People with disability joining in with a community event.

We are working with community organisations to train them how to be:

  • inclusive
  • accessible.

A group of people with disability at a sports centre.

For example, we supported local sport clubs and arts organisations on how they can be more inclusive.

A child in a small sailing boat on the water with a supervisor.

We also supported children with disability to take part in more:

  • sports
  • community activities.

2 students viewing a dinosaur exhibit at the South Australia Mueseum.

For example, the South Australia Museum offered accessible programs for students with disability.

A diverse group of people raising their hands. A thought bubble above them has the disability icon and a tick next to it.

We worked with government organisations to help the community:

  • understand disability
  • learn more about disability.

2 women looking at a folder together.

We will keep working with the Australian Government to keep track of how:

  • inclusive South Australia is
  • accessible South Australia is.

A person at a desk that has the sign 'OCPSE' next to an icon for state government.

The Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment (OCPSE) helps government organisations support their staff.

OCPSE wrote a report about the best ways to include disability when government organisations train new staff.

A group of people writing down notes in a lecture hall.

90% of government organisations are making sure their workers get training on how to be inclusive.